

发布日期:2024-08-16 11:09    点击次数:200



With the rise in popularity of esports, League of Legends has become one of the most watched and played competitive games in the world. It requires a high level of skill, quick thinking, and strategy. To truly excel in the game, players must not only have a good understanding of the game mechanics but also the esports scene. This article will outline the necessary courses to take to learn and excel in the world of League of Legends esports.

Gameplay Course

The first course to take when learning how to play League of Legends is the Gameplay Course. This course will teach you the ins and outs of the game mechanics, such as last hitting, ability casting and cooldowns, objective control, and champion matchups. It is essential to have a solid understanding of the gameplay mechanics to have a solid foundation when learning and competing in League of Legends esports.

Champion Pool Course

The Champion Pool course teaches you about all the champions in the game and how they can be used to their potential. By learning the strengths and weaknesses of each champion, you can choose which ones to pick or ban to maximize your team's chances of winning. It's important to have a good variety of champions in your pool, as the game's meta changes often, and having a small champion pool can make you easily predictable and susceptible to strategic counterpicks.

Team Compositions Course

The Team Compositions course covers how to create a strong and balanced team that works together effectively. It involves understanding different team compositions, including poke, engage, and split push, and knowing how to counter them. Additionally, this course teaches players the importance of communication and teamwork, as these are essential to winning League of Legends esports games.

Strategy and Macro Course

The Strategy and Macro course is for players who want to take their game beyond just being mechanically sound. This course involves learning about strategic decisions such as objective control, lane swapping, and vision control. Additionally, the course covers macro plays, such as when to use abilities and the importance of map awareness. Having a good understanding of strategy and macro can take you to the next level in League of Legends esports.

Esports Scene Course

The Esports Scene course teaches players about the world of League of Legends esports. It involves learning about the different leagues, tournaments, and players who compete at the highest level. Additionally, this course teaches players about the importance of esports viewership and how it affects the game's meta. With a solid understanding of the esports scene, players can make informed decisions about their game and career paths in the esports industry.


To truly excel in League of Legends esports, players must not only have a good understanding of the game mechanics but also the esports scene. The essential courses required to learn and excel in League of Legends esports include Gameplay, Champion Pool, Team Compositions, Strategy and Macro, and Esports Scene. By taking these courses, players can aspire to become competitive esports players, knowledgeable analysts, and coaches in the ever-growing world of esports.
